#8 Cubix Shawl

#8 Cubix Shawl , Vogue Knitting Winter 2018/2019
ⓒ Vogue Knitting

It’s almost 2 weeks after first day of new year. My middle finger of left hand is healing well. It’s still looked ugly but no more pain and I can knit and draw. I didn’t post much last year in this blog. But, I have bunched of stuff to show and share.

Last late summer, I got an offer to work with Vogue Knitting magazine and I worked with them happily. Deadline was quite tight, and I was afraid to knit sample used limited yardage. Time’s run fast and I found a magazine on my PO box last Friday.

#8 Cubix Shawl , Vogue Knitting Winter 2018/2019
ⓒ Vogue Knitting

I used lovely Koigu yarn Pencil Box Collection. I love math and mathematical shapes like triangle, Hexagon, and spiral. It’s always made me feel to solve puzzles. I wish to design more often inspire from those mathematical shapes.

#8 Cubix Shawl , Vogue Knitting Winter 2018/2019
ⓒ Vogue Knitting

Leigh’s shawl is worked in a single KPPPM Pencil Box from Koigu Wool Designs and shows the colors off to stunning effect. Each hexagon is built using three eyelet diamond motifs and then sewn together into four tiers. Mattress stitch is used in seaming to avoid any gaps between the motifs. 
Koigu’s Pencil Boxes come in myriad color variations. For this geometric wrap, follow our lead, or play around with different color arrangements 
that you find equally pleasing.

Here‘s a link of Koigu pencil box info.
Also, Vogue Knitting website is here and Ravelry design info page is here.